Health & Wellness

Top 5 Reasons for Morning Shoulder Pain

Waking up with severe shoulder pain is a very unpleasant surprise. It can happen to everybody. So, it’s always better to know the exact reasons for shoulder pain after sleeping. If you know them, chances are you can prevent it.

So, let’s dig into the 5 top reasons why you may have shoulder pain.

You Slept in an Incorrect Posture

Many people sleep in the wrong posture and then spend the day with shoulder pain. If you woke up with shoulder pain, the first thing to check is “Did I sleep in a comfortable posture?”.

You may have slept on a twisted arm position or a pillow under your neck. Sleeping with a pillow under your neck can affect the vertebrae in your neck. It is always better to sleep in a neutral position and make sure your head is supported. Try to adjust your posture and make your bed as comfortable as possible.

Exercising in the morning can be uncomfortable for you if you don’t have enough sleep. You may feel a bit dizzy or out of breath if you start exercising too early in the morning. You should wait until you have eaten a bit and your muscles are warm.

Laying Flat on the floor After Taking a Shower

Laying flat on the floor when you take a shower can cause shoulder pain. Don’t bend forward. When you take a shower, don’t bend your arms forward and stand up to stretch your shoulders.

If you experience morning shoulder pain, try some of the recommended solutions and give your joints a rest. Look for professional shoulder pain treatment like the one provided by the NYC rehab clinic.

Scapular Dyskinesis

Scapular Dyskinesis can be the main reason for shoulder pain in the morning if it’s not properly treated. Make sure to rotate your shoulders while moving your arms in order to avoid scapular dyskinesis. If scapular dyskinesis is not treated on time, it can lead to arthritis and shoulder pain.

Thoracic Spine Stiffness

Thoracic spine stiffness is a common cause of shoulder pain, especially in people that spend many hours in front of their laptops. The muscles in the upper back (at the neck and shoulder) can get tight when you overuse them.

So, you may experience shoulder pain because your thoracic spine is stiff, and there’s not enough flexibility in your shoulder joints. Making some minor adjustments to your posture, exercising, and doing some stretches, can reduce the risk of this common cause of shoulder pain.

Tendinosis Also Known As Rotator Cuff Tendinitis

Tendinosis can also cause shoulder pain if the tendons are not moving freely in the shoulder joints. To treat the condition, you can stretch the arm out straight and rotate your elbows. You can try the following exercises to help you get rid of rotator cuff tendinitis and Tendinosis.

First Things First – Tell Your Therapist

The first thing you should do when you have pain in your shoulder is to tell your therapist. A therapist will know if a treatment that you try is appropriate or if you should try some other alternatives first.

They are very experienced in the field, and they can help you identify the exact cause of your shoulder pain and make the right recommendations. Your therapist can help you figure out the problem by checking your posture and movement. A therapist can help you identify and correct the causes of your shoulder pain, so you can get rid of the pain.


So, shoulder pain is a common condition, which is often misdiagnosed and treated inappropriately. Do try to do it on your own. Reaching out to a professional therapist for help is a way better decision.


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