Health & Wellness

Bacterial Vaginosis – How You Get It & Treatment Options

Every year, numerous women suffer from bacterial vaginosis. If you are one among these, you might be wondering what to do to get rid of the itching and burning among other symptoms that come with this condition. Here’s what you need to know about bacterial vaginosis and how to handle the condition when it flares up.

What Is Bacterial Vaginosis?

It is a condition caused by the overgrowth of bacteria found in the vagina. BV is actually more common than a yeast infection. It can’t be transmitted from one person to the other like numerous other sexually transmitted diseases but it is often caused by sexual intercourse. It is one of the most common causes of vaginal discharge and odor.

What Are The Symptoms Of BV?

At least 50% of women suffer from BV without any symptoms. However, some of the common symptoms of the disease include:

  • Strong, fishy or musty odor which might get worse after menstruation or intercourse
  • Milky white or grayish discharge
  • Burning or itching

Increase In Harmful Bacteria

If you are suffering from bacterial vaginosis you will have a huge increase in the amount of harmful bacteria in your vagina. There will be a decrease in the number of normal and protective bacteria too due to the imbalance. In order to create an environment favorable to healthy bacteria, you must restore or balance vaginal pH levels.

Because of the increase in harmful bacteria, you have a huge risk of suffering from pelvic inflammatory disease that might lead to hospitalization. Once you get BV for the first time, you are likely going to suffer a reoccurrence. As you approach menopause, you are likely going to suffer many instances of this condition. Women suffering from diabetes also have a huge risk of getting BV.

Treatment For Chronic Bacterial Vaginosis

Treatments available for BV might help relieve the symptoms but might not necessarily be a cure. First, you need to get a proper diagnosis from your doctor before you start on the treatment, which is simple and effective.

At least 30% of women suffer from a reoccurrence of BV after treatment. Your doctor should be able to determine the best treatment for BV. In most cases, the treatment involves a topical treatment and oral medication.

If you are pregnant and suffering from BV, you will get oral treatment for the condition and a vaginal metronidazole gel. If the doctor prescribes a single dose of metronidazole, you have a higher risk of relapsing compared to those who use the medication over an extended period of time. BV treatment is usually quick and painless. Note that, most of the risks associated with vaginal infections are usually few.

Is There A Natural Treatment For BV?

Bacterial vaginosis is a simple condition to diagnose and treat. However, if it doesn’t go away at the first instance, you are likely going to have a recurrent condition which is annoying and frustrating. Prevention is the best option. You can take numerous preventive measures that you can take daily. Yes, there are numerous natural ways to get rid of BV and make sure you never contract it again.

Note that, the condition is usually under diagnosed because most women assume they have a simple yeast infection. Therefore, they usually treat the symptoms of the yeast infection without treating the bacterial vaginosis. The condition can be treated with antibiotics whether oral or topical creams that are usually prescribed by a doctor.

It is a very common condition so you don’t need to freak out about it. If you feel that the condition is recurring, you need to speak to your gynecologist to get the right treatment for it and avoid recurrence.


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