Health & Wellness

How To Know If Your Gut Biome Is Healthy

Gut health seems to be the buzz word today as many experts suggest that almost every symptom of poor health can be traced back to bad gut health. Gastrointestinal health is directly related to obesity, mental health, and low immunity.

To know about your gut health, you have to learn about the condition of your gut microbiome. Gut microbiomes are ecosystems of microorganisms living in your intestines. A healthy person may have around 300 to 500 different gut bacteria types in their gastrointestinal tract or GI. Most of these microorganisms are essential for a healthy body.

Having good bacteria in your gut can enhance your immune system function and provide several other health benefits. However, many facets of modern life like high stress, eating processed foods, or lack of sleep can damage your gut microbiome, further harming your overall health.

Thus, the first step towards good gut health is knowing if your gut biome is healthy and taking measures to improve your gut health.

This article discusses the different ways of knowing if your gut biome is healthy and ways to improve your gut health as well.

While there may be enough information on keeping your gut healthy, there’s not much information on how to know if your gut biome is healthy. Therefore, here are a few tips below that help you determine if your gut biome is healthy.

Check Your Stool Regularly

When you go to the bathroom, make sure to check your stool regularly. Your stool is the best indicator of your gut health. To determine if your stool is healthy or not, check for the type of stool and odor. Soft stool is ideal; you don’t want something hard or squishy. Also, check the color of your stool. The perfect stool color is brown. If your stool smells horrible, something may be wrong.

Apart from stool, also look for signs of bloating, a white-coated tongue, and reflux. These are all signs of imbalanced gut flora.

Get A Comprehensive Stool Test

To know the condition of your gut biome, you may consider a comprehensive stool test. A complete stool test can give you a picture of your gut microbiota—the more diverse and richer the gut bacteria, the better your health. In addition to checking your gut bacteria, a stool test can also tell you if there is any parasitic or yeast overgrowth. For more information on gut biome tests, check sites like My Psomagen.

Get A SIBO Breath Test

A SIBO or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth is commonly associated with acid reflux, bloating, and several autoimmune-inflammation conditions. A fasting lactulose breath test can measure the methane and hydrogen released by the bacterial overgrowth. This breath test can give you an accurate reading on whether you have a gut biome problem or imbalance.

Common Signs Of Poor Gut Health

Some of the most common signs of poor gut health include an upset stomach, bloating, constant fatigue, interrupted sleep, skin irritations, food intolerances, and dark circles under the eyes.

Improving Your Gut Health

Your gut health is essential for your overall well-being, and there are some simple and easy ways to improve your gut biome. These are;

Increase Your Intake Of Probiotic Food

Fermented foods and drinks like kombucha, kafir lime, yogurt, or kimchi are ideal for populating your gut microbiome with good bacteria.

Eat Soft Boiled Vegetables

A plant-based diet provides your body with prebiotic fiber that helps gut bacteria grow and work effectively. Thus, boiling and pureeing vegetables break them down, making them easier to digest. This heals your gut.

Sleep Well

Not getting adequate sleep can harm your gut health, further disturbing your sleeping patterns. Therefore, it’s crucial to get eight hours of sleep every night.

Have Plenty Of Water

Staying hydrated is beneficial for your intestines mucous lining, and it helps balance the good bacteria in your gut.

Reduce Stress

Stress is harmful to your entire body, including your gut. Reducing stress in your daily life can help you heal your gut. Some of the effective ways to reduce stress are to include meditation, yoga, walking, or exercise in your daily routine.


Your gut health plays a crucial role in your overall well-being. Having a diverse and healthy gut biome helps boost your immune system, improves your metabolism, and helps absorb nutrients. Although you may know the importance of gut health, there’s not much information on ways to tell if your gut biome is healthy.

To know about your gut health, consider checking your stool regularly or get a comprehensive stool test that can give you an insight into your gut health.

You may also consider improving your gut health by including simple lifestyle changes in your daily routine like increasing your intake of water, including probiotics in your diet, and reducing stress.


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