Whether you have ongoing issues with your skin or want to look a bit healthier, there are many things you can do to help. When your skin looks great, it can make you feel more confident, so it’s worthwhile putting in the effort. Here are 4 steps to clearer and healthier skin.

Cleanse, Tone And Moisturizer

While the skin on your body doesn’t require much attention, your face is a different story. Daily exposure to the elements can result in your pores being clogged, so you must develop a daily beauty routine to reduce the build-up of dirt and grime. Using a good cleanser or face wash morning and night will make sure that you get rid of any nasties lurking on your skin. Using a toner will get rid of anything that your cleanser has missed and can also help to minimize pores. Finishing with a good moisturizer will make sure that your skin stays hydrated and soft.

Exfoliate Regularly

Exfoliating regularly gets rid of dead skin cells and can help to make your skin look vibrant and healthy. Body scrubs and exfoliating cloths work well on the body, but when it comes to your face, it’s important to use something less harsh. Microdermabrasion creams contain tiny particles that will help to exfoliate without damaging the surface layer of your skin. If you have particularly sensitive skin, then you should reduce the number of times you exfoliate as it can lead to redness and, in some cases, can be painful. Moisturizing after exfoliation will protect new skin cells and reduce any sensitivity that may occur.

Use CBD Oil

CBD is one of over a hundred cannabinoids extracted from various parts of hemp plants and is widely known for its benefits to the skin. As well as containing Omegas 3 & 6, which are great for collagen production, CBD oil is packed with antioxidants, which can help to reduce cell damage. CBD can make the skin feel tighter and healthier and, due to its ability to reduce sebum production, can do wonders for those who suffer from acne and other skin-related conditions. If you prefer not to use oil, CBD capsules and edible gummies are widely available, and CBD beauty products such as moisturizers and cleansers are also becoming extremely popular.

Drink Lots Of Water

Drinking water has so many benefits; it would be hard to list them all. One of them is the effects it has on the skin. It helps to rid your skin of impurities, can have dramatic effects on any problem or dry areas, and will make you look more youthful in appearance. Drinking 2 liters of water a day can make wrinkles appear less obvious and can also assist with clearing up spots and reducing redness. If you don’t drink enough water, start today, and very quickly you will notice dramatic and very pleasing results to your appearance. The power that water has on our bodies should never be underestimated.