Health & Wellness

Major Long-Term Health Risks from Alcohol Consumption

The effects of alcohol on our body begin the minute we take a single sip. Whereas a glass of wine with meals isn’t harmful, the long-term consequences of drinking red wine, whiskey, or spirits can be detrimental.

A glass of wine a day could not be harmful to your overall health. However, if the habit develops or if you feel it difficult to stop drinking, the cumulative impact can be significant. Continue reading to discover the effects of alcohol on the human body.

Endocrine and digestive glands:

Excessive alcohol consumption might cause the pancreas’ digestive juices to become activated abnormally. The accumulation of these enzymes can cause pancreatitis or inflammation of the pancreas. Pancreatitis can develop into a long-term illness with dangerous consequences.

Inflammatory damage:

Your liver is an organ that allows your body to process down and remove toxic substances, such as alcohol. This process is hampered by long-term alcohol consumption. It also raises your chances of developing serious liver inflammation and illness.

Cirrhosis is the bruising caused by all this inflammation. Scar tissue builds up in the liver, causing it to fail. The liver has a tougher time eliminating toxins from the blood as it grows increasingly impaired. Liver disease is a dangerous condition that causes your body to accumulate poisons and waste.

Women’s bodies have a higher proclivity for absorbing alcohol and processing it for extended periods of time. Women are also more likely than men to have liver disease.

Sugar levels:

The pancreas aids in the regulation of insulin utilization and glucose response from the body. Whenever your pancreas, as well as liver, aren’t working properly, you face the danger of hypoglycemia or low blood sugar. A malfunctioning pancreas may also make it difficult for the body to make enough insulin to use sugar.

Hyperglycemia, which means excess sugar in your blood, can be a result of this. You may face more difficulties and health consequences from diabetes if your body is unable to regulate and maintain your blood sugar levels. Excessive alcohol consumption should be avoided by those with diabetes or hypoglycemia.

Central nervous system:

Recognizing how alcohol impairs your central nervous system has been one of the simplest ways to comprehend its effects on your body. The relationship between your brain and the rest of the body can be hampered by alcohol.

Coordination becomes more problematic in terms of this. You may have pain, and numb feelings in your hands and feet as alcohol causes additional harm to your brain and nervous system. In addition, drinking impairs your brain’s ability to form long-term memories.

It also impairs your ability to reason and make sensible decisions. Emotional control, short-term memory, and judgment are all handled by the brain. Alcohol addiction that is both chronic and severe might result in lasting and damaging brain damage.


Some persons who consume a lot of alcohol may acquire a physical and emotional dependence on it. Withdrawing from alcohol can be both difficult and risky. When it comes to overcoming an alcohol dependency, professional assistance is frequently required.

As a result, many people are seeking medical detoxification in order to recover from their addiction. It’s the best technique to ensure you don’t develop a physical dependency.

Detoxification can be done as an ambulatory or as an inpatient, depending on the danger of symptoms of withdrawal. The following are some of the signs and symptoms of alcohol withdrawal:

  • Anxiety
  • Nervousness
  • Nausea
  • Tremors
  • High blood pressure
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Heavy sweating

Seizures, hallucinations, and delirium are all possible side effects of severe withdrawal.

Skeletal and muscle systems:

Long-term alcohol consumption may impair your body’s ability to maintain bone strength. Thinner bones and a higher risk of fractures if you collapse as a result of this behavior. Fractures may also take longer to heal. Alcohol consumption can cause muscle weakening, cramps, and finally atrophy.

Immune system:

The natural immune system of your body is weakened when you consume excess alcohol. It becomes more challenging for your ability to process off invading germs and viruses as a result of this.

People who drink heavily for a long period of time are also much more prone than the average population to get pneumonia or tuberculosis. Alcohol intake is linked to around 10% of all TB cases worldwide. Binge drinking also raises your chances of developing cancers of the mouth, breast, and colon.

How to Deal With It?

It can be quite difficult to quit a habit that you have developed over the years. You can always take experts’ help to quit drinking. The very first thing you should do is to get a full-body check-up done to make sure that you are not facing any health risks due to alcohol consumption.

Always remember that prevention is better than cure and if you have decided to quit then why not know about your health risks. This will help you find out if you are facing any of the Alcohol related Health Risks.

These days you don’t even need to visit a doctor; you can always use the at-home DNA test kits. You can find more detailed information on this topic on this site. These tests can help you identify health risks at home. They also provide a follow-up call with a physician to discuss your results.

In conclusion, occasional drinking is not that harmful to your body. The major impact that alcohol can affect your body is because of the habit you develop of drinking and how difficult it can be to stop after you form a dependency.

But, remember it is never too late to quit, and everything is possible; you just have to make up your mind and keep trying. Obviously, you will need some professional help. There are many methods and chewing pills available in the market that can help you avoid alcohol and quit drinking.


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