Marie Miguel, Author at Health2Wellness Fri, 04 Aug 2023 09:53:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Marie Miguel, Author at Health2Wellness 32 32 Facts About Art Therapy, And How It Can Help You Thu, 28 Jan 2021 11:28:11 +0000 There are many types of therapy out there, each designed to address specific mental health issues. Depending on the condition concerning you, there are a number of therapies that you can take advantage...

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There are many types of therapy out there, each designed to address specific mental health issues. Depending on the condition concerning you, there are a number of therapies that you can take advantage of. One that you may not be familiar with is art therapy. Here is a look at art therapy and what it is designed to accomplish.

Things To Know

You should keep in mind a few things when you want to learn more about art therapy. For even more information, you can check out this BetterHelp article on art therapy.

  • Art therapy can be used to help multiple mental health conditions. This type of therapy can be utilized if you experience depression, stress, trauma, anxiety, PTSD, and several other conditions, so it may be used more often that you think. 
  • Art therapists are trained professionals. Art therapists are trained just like other types of therapists. There are sometimes art therapists available in places like schools, colleges, and nursing home facilities, so people who may benefit from this therapy will visit them in a convenient location. The therapists choose projects that they feel will benefit each patient, or they allow them to pick one for themselves. Sometimes there are requirements and other times; there are none. 
  • It doesn’t matter if you have artistic talent or not. The process of art therapy doesn’t revolve around if you are good at making art or not. Instead, it is a means of working through the issues concerning you, so that you may feel more relaxed about your life and what you have experienced. 
  • It isn’t just about painting. When you think of art therapy, you might think it is just painting. However, there are other mediums that are used, including sculpture and drawing. People of all ages may be able to find benefit from this type of therapy, especially since it can be used in conjunction with other therapies. 
  • This therapy is more than just an art class. Some may think that art therapy is just an art class, but this isn’t true. When you take advantage of this type of therapy, the therapist can often pick up on cues as you work on your artwork. These cues will give them a clue as to how you are feeling, so they can talk you through things. It is a good way to determine what may be going on in someone’s head when they can’t talk it out in a satisfactory manner. 
  • Provides you with an outlet to express yourself. The idea is for someone to work on self-expression. At times, it can be difficult to talk about things that happen to you, but when you are asked to make artwork based on your experiences, life, or feelings, this may be easier for you to accomplish than putting these ideas into words. In turn, this might improve your mood, allow you to work through your thoughts, and help you work on your self-esteem.


Art therapy is something that can help people experiencing multiple mental health concerns. If you think it may be right for you, keep in mind that there is support available to you. This type of therapy can help you work through issues and doesn’t require you to talk as much as traditional therapy, which may be something you are interested in. Besides that, it can be a helpful addition to your one-on-one therapy treatment, if your therapist agrees. Keep all the information in this article in mind, so you can decide if you want to look into art therapy for yourself.

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How Therapy Can Be Essential For Wellness Thu, 28 Jan 2021 10:53:27 +0000 Not everyone always has all of the answers for themselves, nor are they expected to, and that’s where therapy can be a very valuable asset in your life. Therapy can be incredibly...

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Not everyone always has all of the answers for themselves, nor are they expected to, and that’s where therapy can be a very valuable asset in your life. Therapy can be incredibly beneficial for your health and well-being, and this article will share some reasons why it should be considered if you are looking to have a happier and healthier lifestyle.

Therapy Lets You Explore

Stress, anxiety, depression are just a few of the most common mental health concerns that plague millions of people, and it can be very easy to bottle-up negative feelings and emotions, especially if you don’t know what to do with them.

By working with a therapist, you allow yourself the opportunity to not only talk about these general problems that you are having but also get to the root of why they are happening in the first place.

For example, you might be chronically stressed due to work, or you might be having relationship issues, but you can’t seem to pin-point the individual causes that are leading to frequent conflicts.

Therapy Offers Solutions

People face various challenges throughout their lives, and it’s normal to feel stuck, especially when it comes to mental health concerns that they’ve never faced before and weren’t prepared for.

Therapy, such as the services provided by BetterHelp, provides you with ways to cope with the problems that you are currently facing and can make a living with even the most chronic problems more manageable.

While there will probably be some general recommendations that your therapist can suggest to you, there will, of course, be a collaboration between you and them to help you find techniques that work best for you and that you can use for the rest of your life.

Therapy Facilitates Long-Term Change

In addition to the techniques that you will learn that can help you feel better in the present, the strategies that therapy offers will benefit you in the long-run by helping you change.

For instance, you might have unwanted, maladaptive behaviors that are contributing to the way that you are feeling, and by cutting them out, you’re paving the way for a healthier future. Bad habits of any form are a good example of this.

Also, your ability to reflect will be strengthened, and you will be more aware of your thoughts, feelings, and emotions, which can then lead you to being more prepared for when issues come up again down the road. In fact, learning how to develop a positive mindset can physically change and rewire your brain and thus, reduce possible physical symptoms that are associated with common mental health concerns.

Therapy Can Increase The Effectiveness of Healthier Choices

If you’re looking to pursue a happier and healthier lifestyle, therapy can certainly make your efforts much more efficient and effective than if you didn’t attend at all.

While it’s not a substitution for medication, therapy is typically included in treatment regimens because they mutually benefit each other. Medication can reduce symptoms, but therapy can help give you the skills to cope which you can use at will. Therapy can also make it easier to adhere to taking medication and increase your chances of succeeding.

However, even if you have issues that don’t require medication, therapy can give you the motivation to commit to individual solutions, such as dieting and exercise, which will inevitably have a positive effect on both your physical and mental health.


Hopefully, this article has shown you some of the ways that therapy can be a significant part of getting and staying healthy, and importantly, perhaps you are strongly considering to try it out. Therapy is accessible, and there are different types available that can work for you and fit into any schedule. Finding a therapist who can help you with your specific concerns should never be difficult, and with the resources available today, becoming a healthier individual should be a priority today.

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Tips For Keeping Anxiety In Check Thu, 28 Jan 2021 10:39:46 +0000 There are times that you may experience anxiety, and this is usually not something that you want to have to deal with. While it is to be expected that anxiety will affect...

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There are times that you may experience anxiety, and this is usually not something that you want to have to deal with. While it is to be expected that anxiety will affect you occasionally, when there is too much of it, or it becomes quite intense, you should do everything possible to lessen anxiety. This article will show you different ways to keeping anxiety in check.

Seek Out Therapy

If you feel like you have too much anxiety or negatively affect your life and routine, you may want to seek therapy to reduce it. Different types of therapy may be useful for dealing with anxiety, including arts therapy, among other types. You can check out this BetterHelp article for more information on how this therapy can help you. Keep in mind that therapists often have many tools at their disposal, which may help improve how you deal with the anxiety in your life or help lessen it.

Limit Caffeine

In some cases, you may be feeling jittery and anxious because you are ingesting a lot of caffeine. While caffeine is something that can be enjoyed in moderation, you should watch your intake each day. Try not to drink it late at night, since it might affect your sleeping patterns. For best results, drink coffee in the morning and the early afternoon only and keep an eye on how many cups you are drinking. It is also a good idea to drink water throughout the day since staying hydrated is important when it comes to staying healthy and keeping your energy levels up.

Watch Your Diet

Another aspect of your life that you should address when trying to get rid of anxiety is your diet. You likely know that eating a balanced diet is a good idea, but it may be hard to follow through with this, especially if you lead a busy life. You should do your best to add vegetables, fruit, protein, and fiber into your diet, so you can improve your nutrition. There are many articles online on how to do this or purchase books on this topic. Eating a healthy diet may also be able to help your overall health as well.

Get Some Sleep

You must get enough sleep as much as you can. An adult should be getting around 7-9 hours of sleep each night, and that is the number that you should strive for. Keep in mind that sleeping too many hours a night may make you feel worn out and tired as if you don’t sleep enough hours. Try to go to sleep at the same time each night, even on the weekends. This may be able to help you train your body to go to sleep early enough, where you can get the amount of sleep you need each night.

Distract Yourself

When you feel like you are having a bad day, do whatever you can to distract yourself. You may want to do an activity that you like or just take a few minutes to relax. For example, watching your favorite movie or indulging in a special meal or dessert might be able to keep your mind off what is bothering you or causing anxiety.


Exercise is something else that may be able to help you work through your anxiety. It can allow you to relax your mind and think about things that are bothering you in a different space. This might be all it takes for you to be able to solve issues that were bothering you, or change your perspective about things that you thought were serious, but may no longer seem important. This is an issue you can talk to your therapist about if you are interested in what types of exercises might be able to benefit you.

Be Social

Even though it may be difficult to be social, there are still places to talk to your friends and family. Consider talking, texting, or video calling someone that you trust if you need another viewpoint or want someone to talk to. They may be able to offer advice that can help you, or just provide an ear and listen to the things that are bothering you. It is possible that you will feel less anxious after talking to someone.


When you feel anxious, you should remember that there are likely things you can do to help lessen it. You can seek mental health support or utilize other approaches, which you may add into your routine and allow you to lessen anxiety. Try these methods listed above, to determine if they can help you keep your anxiety in check. Moreover, be sure to work with a therapist when you need to, especially if you are concerned about your anxiety levels.

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7 Ways To Improve Your Memory Thu, 28 Jan 2021 10:20:55 +0000 You may have experienced situations where you feel like you can’t remember anything, and you aren’t sure why. There are a number of reasons why your memory might be suffering, but luckily,...

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You may have experienced situations where you feel like you can’t remember anything, and you aren’t sure why. There are a number of reasons why your memory might be suffering, but luckily, there are plenty of ways to improve your memory as well. Check out this list of ways to improve your memory, so you can keep up with all the things you need to do.

Eat a healthy diet

If you are eating unhealthy foods or add too much fat to your diet, the first thing you should do is attempt to change your diet. It is important for you to get the nutrients and vitamins you need on your plate, since this may be more advantageous over taking supplements. Shoot for eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, and lean meats, so you can keep your fat content and carbohydrates at a safe level. Keep in mind that your brain needs cholesterol in order to function properly, so eating a little bit of fat is good for you, as long as you don’t overdo it.

Check out memory games

You don’t have to be a gamer to play brain games. There are special games available to help you train your brain and hopefully be able to remember more. There are also apps that you can utilize for this purpose. Simply do a search to find something that you may be interested in. It is necessary to keep your brain working properly, so you will be able to do all the things you need to do and the things you want to do as well.

Try alternative medicine

There are activities you can do, foods you can eat, and supplements you can take that are supposed to improve your memory. You may want to investigate some of these things to see if they can help you. This could be anything from meditation to aromatherapy, and much more. These alternative medicines are also called CAM therapies, which means complementary and alternative medicine. You can read a great article about CAM therapies on BetterHelp.

CBD Joints As An Alternative Medicine

Your memory is an important part of your everyday life. A recent study found that CBD may help improve your memory by activating receptors in the brain which then promote an increase in serotonin production. CBD joints may help improve your memory and overall mental health if consumed in small doses on a regular basis. This might also help you to reduce stress levels increase focus and concentration which is crucial in helping people remember things more easily.

Get the sleep you need

Getting the proper amount of sleep may be difficult to achieve on a regular basis. However, it is crucial to get enough sleep, so your body will be able to restore properly, and you will have the energy to get through each day. A good way to attempt to get enough sleep is by giving yourself a bedtime. Then stick to this bedtime each day, even on weekends, until you are able to get all the sleep that you require.


Another healthy approach to take to preserve your memory is to exercise. If you already exercise, continue to utilize your workout schedule. However, if you are someone that doesn’t currently exercise, you should start doing so. You can see benefit from exercising just a few hours a week. Consider walking around the block or swimming.

Stay in the moment

When you are having a stressful day or have so many things to accomplish in one day that it seems that you won’t be able to get everything done, remember to stay in the moment. This means you should do your best to work through these difficult times, so you can move past them. For instance, if you have a big project that is due, try to split it up into smaller steps, and you might find it is easier to complete.

Relax when it’s needed

You should also remember that it is okay to relax when you need to. If you are experiencing anxiety or are feeling overwhelmed, take a few minutes to take a break from whatever you are doing. This may give you time to determine how to solve a problem or work through your thoughts. You should also remember that there is mental health help available if you need it. Nowadays, you can take advantage of online counseling, or there are apps you can download that offer tips and advice for relaxation, meditation, and more.

When To See A Doctor

If you forget things now and then or experience mild memory loss because of an accident or health condition, this isn’t a cause for concern. However, if your memory loss worries you or you feel like it may be getting worse, you should visit with your doctor. They will ask you questions and examine you to determine if your memory loss is serious. If you aren’t concerned about your memory loss but still wish to improve it, try to add these techniques into your routine. They may be able to make a difference.

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5 Ways To Start Pursuing A Healthier Lifestyle Thu, 28 Jan 2021 07:49:08 +0000 Making positive changes in your life doesn’t happen automatically, and it takes a conscious effort to do so. This article will share with you some of the most practical ways to make...

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Making positive changes in your life doesn’t happen automatically, and it takes a conscious effort to do so. This article will share with you some of the most practical ways to make a lasting impact on your health and well-being that you can start including into your routine starting today.

Make Smarter Dietary Choices

You’re probably aware of this one already, but the importance of a healthy diet cannot be understated.

However, junk food can become addicting, and that’s why it’s essential to start substituting these unhealthy choices with nutritious ones and augment your life.

A healthy diet will benefit your physical health. Still, many people underestimate its positive effects on your mental health as well, particularly with your mood and energy levels, which will dictate how you carry out every day.

Become Active

Like paying attention to what you eat, incorporating exercise into your life can be a vital part of your journey to a healthier version of yourself.

In fact, diet and exercise often go hand-in-hand with each other and will make your efforts that much more effective.

There are countless ways to stay becoming more physically active. But it’s highly recommended that you commit to an activity that challenges you to make improvements.

Find Support From Others

When it comes to making an effort to change your life for the better. It doesn’t hurt to ask for help from other people.

Whether it’s from your friends and family or professionals like a dietitian, personal trainer, or a counsellor or therapist, such as the ones from BetterHelp, some people are able to give you advice on how you can make changes easier.

You don’t have to go on this journey alone, and asking for a helping hand certainly won’t take away from the work you put in to reach your goals.

Cut Out Bad Habits

Although most of this article has been focused on adding things that can enrich your life. It can be equally important to remove things if it means being happier and healthier lifestyle.

A poor diet isn’t the only thing that should be eliminated. But you should also strive to cut out harmful substances, toxic people, and negative self-talk that can hinder your progress.

To name a couple of examples of bad habits, many people realize that they spend way too much time on social media or don’t manage their time effectively at all, and replacing them or simply removing them entirely may be necessary if they are problematic.

Believe In Yourself

A big part of pursuing a healthier lifestyle is believing that you can achieve it in the first place. Since it takes motivation and commitment to accomplish your goals and see the changes you want.

It’s crucial to understand that it won’t be easy, and you probably will run into days where you have some setbacks or even feel like stopping altogether. Just keep working through it, and you will see results.

Starting out with a good attitude and a willingness to change, along with taking things in smaller steps, will go a long way in helping you stay motivated and stick to the plan that you’ve created for yourself.


Once you’ve made the decision to start living healthier lifestyle, it’s something that you will need to commit to. However, after you’ve been doing for a while and noticing the benefits, it becomes easier to stay with your routine. Nonetheless, health and wellness are lifelong endeavor and will need to be maintained diligently.

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