Mohammed Azher, Author at Health2Wellness Fri, 04 Aug 2023 11:37:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Mohammed Azher, Author at Health2Wellness 32 32 10 Reasons Why Dates Need To Be In Your Life Mon, 20 Jul 2020 06:59:09 +0000 Are you in search of a healthy way to satisfy your sweet tooth? Are you bored of your go-to pick me ups when you need an extra push to make it through...

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Are you in search of a healthy way to satisfy your sweet tooth? Are you bored of your go-to pick me ups when you need an extra push to make it through the rest of the day? Look no further! Pitted dates are the answer to your need for a delicious and nutritious snack.

Pitted dates have been called nature’s super fruit. With a chewy texture and taste that has delicate notes of caramel, cinnamon, or honey, this yummy delight will naturally boost your energy levels and even improve vital organs’ health, like your brain and heart. And in case that isn’t enough, their amazing flavor will curb your craving for something sweet!

But wait, there’s more! Dates don’t just make your taste buds happy. They’re also chock-full of vitamins and nutrients, and offer several health benefits to make your body happy, too. And with the COVID-19 virus on the rise and becoming more serious every day, pitted date are a durable, fresh fruit to keep in your pantry or refrigerator to enjoy for a long period of time.

These dark and juicy fruits date back thousands of years and are said to have been discovered in what is now Iraq. Egyptians were known to use them to make wine. They even were thought of as having magical healing powers! Science today has helped us understand their benefits, and they are pretty magical.

Pitted date come in many varieties. There are the super popular Delget Noor date that are small and nutty-like in flavor. Another crowd-favorite is the juicy, delicate Medjool date. All types of pitted date are healthy and yummy fruit to make a part of your daily diet.

Let’s explore all of the reasons why dates need to be in your life!

Health benefits of eating medjool dates

1. Dates Have A Long Shelf Life

With the recent health scare of the coronavirus going on, people are being advised to stay home as much as possible and be prepared for anything. Supermarket shelves are empty from everyone stocking up on the things they need, like hand soap, toilet paper, and plenty of food.

When you think about nonperishable foods that are good for storing, you might picture boring canned vegetables, rice, or pasta. This doesn’t have to be the case. You can enjoy many different kinds of yummy foods, including durable and delicious superfruit: Medjool date.

Most fresh dates have a shelf life of only 45 days. However, refrigerate them, and you can keep them for up to 6 months. Dried date can be refrigerates for up to a year! Pop your dates into the freezer, and they can last for several years. They’re so delicious, though; it would be a surprise if they lasts that long!

Order a large box of high-quality Medjool dates, and you’ll be set with a wonderful snack that will last you a while.

2. Dates Are High In Antioxidants To Fight Illness And Disease

In addition to lasting for months for optimal storage, dates have important nutrients our bodies need to protect us from illness.

Our everyday diets can consist of foods that are heavy in free radicals. An excessive amount of these chemicals can cause oxidative stress and cellular damage.

Antioxidants fight against free radicals and protect our bodies from the harm they can cause, and dates have an abundant amount of antioxidants. There are three main antioxidants in dates that are extremely beneficial to our health:

  • Flavonoids – Their inflammation-reducing abilities lower your risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and certain cancers.
  • Carotenoids – Their ability to turn into vitamin A helps boost our immunity to protect us from sickness and life-threatening diseases. They can also improve eye health.
  • Phenolic Acid – Absorbed through the walls of your intestines, they help fight free radicals and prevent cancer and other diseases.

3. Dates Can Improve Your Heart Health

Next, let’s consider the health benefits of Medjool date for one of your most vital organs: your heart!

Medjool dates have a high fiber content. Fiber can help reduce your LDL cholesterol levels (or the bad kind of cholesterol), which, in turn, can improve your heart health. A healthy cholesterol level keeps your arteries clean to prevent atherosclerosis and, therefore, lowers your risk of heart attacks, strokes, and other heart-related diseases.

4. Dates Are A Natural Energy Booster

Medjool dates are made up of healthy carbohydrates and proteins. They also have high natural sugar content. Add those elements together, and you have a great natural energy boost!

Contrary to popular belief, the best time to eat after a workout is within the first 30 minutes to an hour. Your body needs carbohydrates to feel energized and allow your muscles to heal themselves. A handful of dates is a great choice to feed your aching muscles and provide them with the nutrients they need to recover.

Some days, we need a little boost in the afternoon to keep us going! Instead of reaching for a second cup of coffee or a sugary energy drink, try snacking on some dates as a natural energy booster.

 5. Dates Are Okay For Diabetics To Enjoy, Too (In Moderation)

Despite their high sugar content, dates have a low glycemic index. This makes them okay for people with diabetes to enjoy in moderation. They are also a great source of many nutrients that should be include in every diabetic’s daily intake, such as vitamin B1, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, fiber, magnesium, copper, and manganese.

Vitamins B1, B5, and B6 protect diabetics from nerve damage and prevent neurological problems. Copper helps reduce the risk of biochemical issues. Diabetics lack magnesium and manganese in their systems, so dates can help replace those vital nutrients.

Additionally, pitted dates can also help with blood sugar regulation. This is helpful for diabetics, but also for people who don’t have diabetes. It can reduce the risk of potentially developing the disease.

If you are diabetic and are craving for something sweet, two to three dates won’t do any harm. As long as you’re getting at least 30 minutes of exercise per day and maintain a healthy diet regularly, you can attribute up to 10% of your calorie intake to safe sugars.

 6. Dates Promote Natural And Shorter Duration Of Labor!

Another interesting health benefit of dates is their ability to promote natural labor for pregnant women. Studies have shown that consuming five to six dates on a daily basis towards the end of pregnancy can cause a woman to go into labor more naturally and even shorten the duration.

The reason for this is that dates produce compounds in our systems that have a similar effect as a hormone called oxytocin. This hormone causes the uterus to contract.

There is still more research to be done to back this information, but if you’re at the end of your pregnancy and are looking for labor-inducing methods, try snacking on some delicious dates!

On the hunt for a useful gift for a baby shower? Hook your preggy friend or family member up with a jumbo box of dates! She’ll be thanking you later.

 7. Dates Can Promote Healthy Digestion And Relieve Constipation!

Another awesome health benefit related to the high fiber content in dates is the effect they have on digestion. Dietary fiber should be a part of everyone’s diet as it helps our bodies break down food and easily digest it. Fiber can help ease constipation and promote regular bowel movements.

 8. Dates Can Help Strengthen Your Bones!

Magnesium and copper play a huge part in supporting your bone health. They help fight against osteoporosis and other bone-diminishing diseases. Dates are loaded with both of these beneficial nutrients.

Other minerals in dates that contribute to bone health are phosphorus and calcium. Phosphorus works in our bodies to promote healthy teeth, filter waste out of our kidneys, and maintain the health of our cells. Calcium not only helps our bone stay strong, but we need it to keep our heart, muscles, and nerves functioning properly as well!

 9. Dates Can Help Reduce Blood Pressure And Reverse Anemia!

Another benefit of the high magnesium levels in dates is its ability to lower your blood pressure. Magnesium combined with potassium—an additional nutrient that dates contain—work to boost the function of your heart and reduce blood pressure levels.

Reduced levels of blood pressure can protect you from the risk of having a stroke. It can also prevent other heart-related diseases.

In addition to lowering blood pressure, dates are also rich in iron. This can help anyone who suffers from severe iron deficiencies, such as anemia, which can cause feelings of fatigue, shortness of breath, and chest pains. Dates will boost your iron levels and help reverse the effects of anemia.

 10. Dates Can Boost Brain Function

Consuming dates can have multiple benefits for your brain health. First, antioxidants like flavonoids work to reduce inflammation. This can prevent neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease.

Additionally, the nutritional contents of dates can reduce the plaque-building activity of amyloid-beta proteins in the brain. An abundance of plaque in our brains can lead to a disturbance between our brain cells, which can then go on to cause common brain-related diseases.

To go even further, studies on mice have shown that eating dates regularly releases hormones in the brain that can reduce anxiety. It can also lead to better memory and learning ability.

How To Enjoy Dates

If you weren’t already aware of how beneficial dates can be to our health, now you know! But how can you incorporate dates into your daily meals? Dates are incredibly delicious straight off the palm tree or out of the package. However, there are several recipes you can choose from to enjoy them in different ways.

Dates are native to the Middle East, but are now grown all over the world, including Northern African countries, India, and even California! People across the globe get creative with dates to add some sweet flavors to their dishes.

  • Add them into your smoothie! Remove the pits and toss them in your blender with other fruits or veggies. What do you get? A nutritious and energy-boosting smoothie to start your day. One delicious combination is Medjool dates, banana, cinnamon, and coconut milk. Yum!
  • Put them in your salad! Trying to eat lean? Adding dates into your healthy salad is a great way to sneak some extra vitamins and minerals into your diet. A wonderful option is Medjool dates, greens, blue cheese crumble, walnuts, and slices of pear.
  • Enjoy them stuffed! A great option for appetizers at your holiday party or work event, dates can be stuffed with goat or cream cheese and sprinkled with garlic, herbs, and honey to have a savory but sweet bite. Stuff them with almond or peanut butter and sprinkle with cinnamon or honey to make a healthier dessert option.
  • Bake them into your cookies! Dates can add a nutritious twist to your cookie recipe. Mix with chocolate chips or nuts and enjoy.
  • Use them as a healthy alternative sweetener! Pitted date have natural fructose, glucose, and sucrose, which are natural sugars found in most fruits. Make a date paste to use instead of refined white sugar in your recipes for cookies, cakes, or other desserts. You can also mix date paste into your tea or coffee to sweeten them up a bit.
  • That’s a wrap! Another awesome appetizer to bring to your next event are wrapped dates. Cover your dates with bacon or prosciutto and stick them on a toothpick. Your guests will be drooling over these bite-sized parties in their mouths.

In Conclusion

Dates are an incredible source of nutrients and vitamins to boost your health and prevent disease. No wonder they call them nature’s super fruit! Add these chewy delights to your breakfast, lunch, and dinner recipes or enjoy them just the way they are. You’ll be so happy you did!

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How Can Resistance Trainings Boost Your Health? Tue, 12 May 2020 09:17:38 +0000 Resistance trainings can be defined as a type of exercise that involves an external resistance causing the muscles to contract, which then leads to increased strength, endurance, muscle mass, or improve muscle...

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Resistance trainings can be defined as a type of exercise that involves an external resistance causing the muscles to contract, which then leads to increased strength, endurance, muscle mass, or improve muscle tone. Resistance training exercises include squats, pullups, and pushups, resistance training band exercises, Keiser machine exercises (pneumatic resistance), sled pushing, and water training exercises. During these types of exercises, you move your body or limbs against the resistance created by gravity, resistance trainings bands (such as the hip circle band), weighted bars, dumbbells, exercise machines, or even your own body weight.

During resistance training, there is an object or position which makes a movement hard to perform. Resistance trainings tasks the muscles and tendons in a way that’s different from most exercises like jogging or cardio exercises. Resistance training pushes the muscles to their limits, thereby contributing to muscle size and strength. It also offers other health benefits apart from these, and we will explain them in this article.

Contrary to the popular belief that resistance training is majorly for muscle building, research has shown that it offers other health benefits as well. From a study conducted by Harvard researchers in 2014, it was discovered that resistance training is linked with lower abdominal fat. The researchers studied 10,500 men over 12 years and found out that resistance trainings was more effective at preventing an increase in abdominal fat. Resistance training or strength training helps the body burn excess calories and also increases lean muscle mass. This further stimulates metabolism. The higher the muscle mass, the higher the number of calories your body burns per day in order to maintain physiologic functions. A reduction in abdominal fat also leads to better cardiovascular health, due to the fact that excess fat sits around organs such as the heart. Once this is reduced through resistance training, cardiovascular health improves.

It has also been proven that resistance training helps to control blood sugar levels. Resistance training exercises increase the ability of the muscles to take and use glucose. There are transporters in muscle cells which have the job of getting glucose from the blood and distributing it to the muscles. Since strength training builds and improves the muscles, these muscle cells work more and gather more glucose from the blood, thereby reducing the blood sugar levels. This is very beneficial, especially for people with Type 2 diabetes.

There have been lots of studies that have looked at the impact of resistance training on the heart. One of these is the research conducted at Iowa State University on the impact of strength training on the heart. The team found out that resistance training for less than an hour each week can reduce your risk of suffering a cardiac arrest or stroke by 40 to up to 70%. The study examined the data gathered from 12,591 adults who have had at least two clinical exams from 1987 to 2006. The data measured three things; Cardiac arrests and stroke that did not lead to death, cardiac arrests, and stroke that led to death, and other types of conditions that resulted in death. It was discovered that constant resistance trainings reduced the risk for all three categories. Also, from the study, it was concluded that resistance training is particularly important for older adults as it improves cardiovascular health, physical function, and quality of life.

In another research published in the 2013 Journal of Applied Physiology, it was discovered that resistance training leads to better functioning HDL (good cholesterol) in young adults. Strength training also improves blood pressure and grip strength. Grip strength is an indicator of total muscle health, which can be used to predict the occurrence of heart disease.

Another health benefit you can gain from resistance training is a reduced cancer risk. Resistance training helps to reduce visceral fat, which in high quantities increases the risk of diabetes and heart disease. Visceral fat cells also produce a protein that can trigger the growth of cancerous cells.

In a study conducted on the impact of resistance training on cells, it was discovered that endurance training helps in slowing and potentially reversing cellular aging. The researchers recommended an endurance training protocol with strength training elements as they were seen to help with healthy aging. Also, resistance training helps to improve mobility and flexibility. The joints are taken through their full range of motion, and the muscles are also stretched.

Apart from physical health, resistance trainings also impacts mental health positively. Strength training has been shown to improve the symptoms of anxiety and depression. During exercise, endorphins are released, and the activities involved in resistance training also help to improve mental resilience. In conclusion, resistance training improves the overall quality of life due to the numerous physical and mental health benefits it provides.

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Common Features of the Best Patient Engagement Software Tue, 21 Apr 2020 08:14:07 +0000 The health information technology software or medical software market is huge these days. Generally speaking, it helps healthcare providers and medical facilities manage their patients as well as their practices better. There...

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The health information technology software or medical software market is huge these days. Generally speaking, it helps healthcare providers and medical facilities manage their patients as well as their practices better. There are different software solutions available, ranging from enterprise medical software to electronic health record software.

A large segment of the health information technology software market consists of patient engagement software. Although more and more physicians and hospitals are integrating its use in their daily operations, currently, it’s bound to make a bigger splash soon. Experts estimate that its value is going to be at $43.47 billion by 2027.

Because of this, it is a good idea for today’s healthcare providers and medical facilities to quit waiting for the future. They can start reaping the benefits of using such digital tools right now as preparation for big things to come. Besides, they are not the only ones that can benefit from leaping into digitization, but their patients as well.

There are various patient engagement software options currently in existence. All of them are electronic systems designed to facilitate communication between healthcare providers and facilities. The aim is not only to simplify the management of patient-doctor relationships but also to facilitate the provision of educational resources and post-discharge treatments.

Although these solutions tend to differ from one another as they come from different providers or developers of health information technology software, many of them share the same features. Some of those that doctors and hospitals should look for when searching for a product to integrate into their daily operations are:

Patient Registration

These days, 76.3% of patients look for doctors on the internet. That’s because it is a time- and money-saving alternative to hopping from one medical facility to the next. To make consulting doctors for the first time easier, a lot of patient engagement solutions allow the patients to complete forms even before they step foot outside their homes.

Encrypted Messaging

Other than the identification of a health-related concern and bouncing back from it, maintaining privacy is also a priority of the patients. Fortunately, the best patient engagement tools in the current market feature secure messaging; this allows the patients and their healthcare providers to communicate with each other in an encrypted manner.

Appointment Reminders

To stay in the pink of health or to maintain recovery progress, it’s important to visit doctors regularly. This is why one of the top features of today’s patient engagement solutions is a reminder tool that informs the patients of upcoming appointments via email, text message, or recorded audio. Through this, it’s possible to prevent missed appointments.

Prescription Refills

Aside from regular trips to the doctor’s office, daily administration of one’s prescription drugs is also an important component of recovery and wellness. With the help of patent engagement tools, it’s possible to get prescription refills without much trouble; this is a time-saving solution not only for the patients but also for their respective doctors.

Information Dissemination

Personalized healthcare allows the patients to obtain the attention and care they need exactly; this is when the ability of patient engagement solutions to disseminate information comes in handy. Physicians can select content using a medical tablet for specific patients as well as conditions, and make vital pieces of information available for the patients to access.

There are many other features that today’s patient engagement tools come with. When choosing one, healthcare providers and facilities should take into account their needs and those of their patients, too.

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Top 3+ Digital Marketing Mistakes Optometrists Make (And Tips On Avoiding Them) Fri, 10 Apr 2020 09:20:42 +0000 If you’re struggling with bringing in new patients through your optometry marketing strategies, you aren’t alone. While digital marketing might be more accessible than traditional forms of advertising, it still requires a high...

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If you’re struggling with bringing in new patients through your optometry marketing strategies, you aren’t alone. While digital marketing might be more accessible than traditional forms of advertising, it still requires a high level of skill and expertise to create and manage successful campaigns. 

Most optometrists (and other eye care professionals) don’t have the time to learn about the latest digital marketing strategies and trends. However, there are some major mistakes that are very common among eye care practices across the US – all of which are covered in this blog. 

Whether you want to increase your current patient list, increase your retention rate, or have a more optimized marketing strategy, the tips below will provide you with the basic information needed to start driving results through effective digital marketing. Also covered are some of the major mistakes that are commonly made by those new to the marketing world (e.g., overspending, not retargeting, etc.).

Overspending on PPC Campaigns 

It is one of the most basic obstacles seen across the entire industry – and it’s even committed by digital marketing professionals. Overspending on PPC campaigns can spell disaster for your marketing strategy (and at the very least, it will deplete your budget very quickly). 

There are number of ways to lower the cost of your ad campaign(s). One of the more underutilized tactics is exploring new platforms. Social media platforms is always changing, and that means there are always new opportunities to take advantage of underpriced attention on emerging platforms. In 2020, an example of this would be the social platform known as TikTok. 

Not Making Use of Retargeting Features and Apps

Retargeting is essentially a form of “remarketing.” What this means is when a user engages with one of your ads (or your website in general), you’re able to market to them again. This opens up a huge world of custom and personalized content possibilities. Personalization is the name of the game in the content world right now. If you aren’t at least trying to personalize your brand’s digital content, one of your competitors most likely is (which means you’re already behind).

One example of retargeting would be making use of Facebook’s Pixel program. You need to install a short piece of code onto your website, which will then allow you to retarget and remarket to Facebook users both on your website as well as within Facebook’s PPC platform. 

Not Taking Advantage of Existing Traffic 

If your website doesn’t have a blog or you aren’t driving organic traffic through some other medium (e.g., social media), you’re losing out on a huge opportunity to gain new clients. What would be even worse than not having a blog or trying to drive traffic through social media, would be not knowing what to do with that traffic once it’s on your site. 

Unfortunately, this is one of the main problems that business owners have when it comes to traffic and their website. How do you turn these visitors into conversions? Are they targeted? Where are they coming from? 

The first thing you should do is install some form of analytics tracking app onto your website so that you can actually track and analyze the behavior of your visitors. After that, you need to be taking all the necessary steps in order to turn those visitors into conversions. That means incorporating top of the funnel techniques, middle of the funnel sales tactics, and incorporating retargeting campaigns through social media. 

Lackluster Content Promotion Tactics 

Sadly, lots of business owners think that just because they’ve written a blog and posted it on their website, that the internet will somehow be magically alerted of its presence and all flock to their blog to consume their content. 

This fantasy is purely that – just a fantasy. In the real world, you’re going to need to heavily promote your web content on social media, PPC ads, etc. to even have a chance of competing against your rivals. This could be on Facebook, Instagram, through SEO, etc. 

Don’t make the incredibly common mistake of spending countless hours creating custom content, and then doing absolutely zero promotional work on it. If you’re wondering why none of your content gets any views or engagement, lack of promotion is most likely the reason (or the quality of your content isn’t up to par). 


Helpful Resources:

1. Top 5 Tips for Treating Knee Pain Without Medication

2. Best Running Shoes

3. Best Exercises For A Complete Back Workout

4. Acai Bowl

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Balancing Diet and Cosmetics For The Best Skin Care Possible Thu, 09 Apr 2020 08:33:53 +0000 All of us dream of having the perfect skin, but very few of us make the conscious steps towards it. Even when we finally make the decision to look after our skin...

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All of us dream of having the perfect skin, but very few of us make the conscious steps towards it. Even when we finally make the decision to look after our skin better, we tend to focus squarely on the latest cosmetics that are in trend at the moment. This is a big mistake since cosmetics and expensive salon appointments will make no difference if you are not eating the right kind of food. Hence it’s important to strike a balance between the two to get the best skincare possible.

Fatty Fish

Fatty Fish

Salmon, Mackerel and Herring are excellent sources of fatty acids, which are fats that the body cannot make itself. They are rich in omega 3 fatty acids that help with maintaining skin health. They keep the skin thick, supple, and moisturized. It even helps in making your skin less sensitive to the Sun’s harmful UV rays. Fish are also a rich source of vitamin E that protects the skin from free radicals and inflammation. Fish also provide us with high-quality protein that provides strength and integrity to the skin.



 Walnuts are another good source of essential fatty acids, and they are richer than most nuts in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. The western diet is rich in omega-6 fatty acids but not in omega-3. A diet rich in omega 6 fatty acids can promote inflammatory skin conditions like psoriasis. So walnuts can help mitigate this problem since they have a balanced ratio. 

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet Potatoes

Potatoes are a great source of vitamin A for the body. They are also rich in beta carotene that helps the skin by acting as a natural sunblock. It helps in preventing sunburn, cell death, and dry, wrinkled skin.


Broccoli - Cosmetics

They might not taste good, but they can do wonders for your skin. It is rich in Zinc, Vitamin A and Vitamin C. it also contains lutein that works similar to beta carotene. Lutein prevents oxidative damage in the skin, which can otherwise make your skin dry and wrinkled. They are also rich in sulforaphane, which has anti-cancer- benefits, especially skin cancer. 


Tomatoes - Natural Cosmetics

Tomatoes are a great source of Vitamin C and contain all of the major carotenoids, including lycopene. Since they are rich in carotenoids, they are excellent for maintaining healthy skin   


Soy contains isoflavones, a category of plant compounds that has anti-aging properties. A small study found that eating soy every day for 8- 12 weeks reduced wrinkles and improved skin elasticity. They also help in protecting the skin from UV radiation.

Green Tea

Green tea has powerful compounds called catechins that protect the skin from damage and aging. A study involving 60 women found that drinking green tea could reduce redness from sun exposure by up to 25 %. It also helps in retaining moisture in the skin and improves the elasticity of the skin.

Following a healthy diet and eating the right type of food as the ones. Mentioned above can do wonders for your skin. But this still cannot stop that occasional zit or blackhead, which pops up due to stress or pollution. This is where cosmetics come in, and the comedone extractor is the best when it comes to skincare.

Comedo suction device 

The comedo suction device is easy to use, handheld device that can be defined as the ultimate cosmetics skincare tool. It is a multi-purpose device that comes with different vacuum heads that can be used for pore cleansing, blackhead extraction, and also for facial exfoliation. Blackheads and whiteheads are a result of dead skin clogging the pores, which block sebum, creating a medium for bacteria to thrive on.

Traditional methods of dealing with these methods like manual blackhead extraction are time-consuming and also painful, causing a lot of discomfort. But with a Comedo suction device.

Comedo suction device

You can extract blackheads painlessly, and it also cleans the pores during the process, so there’s no need to worry about another one popping up. It can treat acne by cleansing pores and smoothening out blemishes. It can be used as a facial exfoliation device. Facial exfoliation is important for removing dirt and dead skin, which can clog pores. Finally, the anti-aging treatment can further tighten and clean pores giving your skin increased collagen and elastin production.

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Top 5 Benefits of Using Healthcare Apps Daily Mon, 30 Mar 2020 09:20:08 +0000 No longer do people need to hit the gym in order to keep their fitness in check. There’s an app for that. In today’s world of applications and instant-information, many people are turning...

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No longer do people need to hit the gym in order to keep their fitness in check. There’s an app for that. In today’s world of applications and instant-information, many people are turning to fitness apps to help stay healthy. It’s understandable, too. Healthcare apps provide many benefits for their users. Here are five benefits that you can also experience when you choose to use healthcare apps daily.

Remind You to Workout

Depending on what fitness tracker app you’re using, they can also tell you when it’s time to workout. It’s easy to become too engrossed in work or other activities and not realize that you haven’t done anything physical in a while. Fitness tracker apps can quickly inform you that it’s time to do something physical.

By uploading your information and daily schedule into the app, you can set reminders of times in which you can workout. These might be small periods of time, like 10 or 20 minutes, where you could quickly take a walk or do some push-ups. Anyone can fit a 10-minute exercise into their schedule.

The tracker app can alert you when it’s time to do your exercise.

Another way that a fitness tracker app can benefit you is to remind you that you haven’t taken enough steps yet. A step counter, for example, measures how many steps you have taken that day. Whether you walk or run, moving around can add some level of fitness into your life.

This tracker app can alert you when you haven’t taken enough steps to burn the set amount of calories that you want to burn. Whether you’re at work or at home, you can stand up and walk around–or walk in place–to satisfy the day’s quota of steps. In doing so, you can keep your heart rate up and stay healthy.

Keep Your Calories Under Control

Perhaps one of the most popular kinds of healthcare app is a calorie counter. A crucial part of losing weight and staying fit is ensuring that you’re burning more calories than you are taking in. No one wants to do all the math themselves. That’s why a calorie counter app really helps.

Depending on the app, users have to input what they ate for the day. The app can crunch the math and inform you where you are on your daily calorie intake. Some healthcare app developers even incorporate features within the calorie counter app that suggest healthier foods to ensure that you don’t go over your calorie goals.

Understanding your daily calorie intake is beneficial because it helps ensure that you are making the best diet choices for your workout. The last thing you want to do is have a great workout only to ruin it all by eating more calories than you worked off. Otherwise, you’re just back where you started.

Calorie counters make you aware of your eating habits and help you lose weight.

Keep Motivated

Perhaps one of the best benefits that a healthcare app can provide is motivation. Healthcare app developers don’t want you to know how many calories you’ve taken in the day, and they also want you to feel motivated about losing weight and staying fit.

Besides including coaches and motivational experts in some of the apps, you can also receive motivation by looking at your progress. Most apps allow you to set goals. You can track your progress on your goals whenever you want. For a lot of people, the hardest part of keeping to a workout routine is that they don’t see any progress.

By using a healthcare app, you’re able to see the progress that you’ve made based on the progress bar of the goals that you submitted. Each time you workout, you get closer and closer to your goal. That’s motivation enough to stick with the routine and keep working out.

Makes Working Out Fun

Some healthcare apps are actually more like games. Healthcare app developers want their users to feel like they’re playing a game rather than just maintaining their health. By making it a game, you’re more likely to have fun and be focused on having more fun instead of feeling bored or even in misery because you’re working out.

For most people, exercise isn’t fun. It’s a grind that is easy to lose motivation on. By making it a game, however, you’re more likely to become engaged with the process and stick with your exercises.

The best way to lose weight and stay fit is to do it in a way where you don’t even realize just how much you’re working out. Instead, you’re engrossed in the game and the fun that you’re having. The next time you check your fitness, you may be surprised by how much weight you have lost or where you are in your progress towards your goals.

Take Charge of Your Health

One final benefit of using healthcare apps daily is that it gives you the power to take charge of your own health. You’re no longer reliant on doctors and gyms to understand your health. By using healthcare apps such as telemedicine apps, you have a better understanding of your health and fitness level.

You are also able to keep track of your health and fitness and make adjustments accordingly. With this power, you can create your own exercise regimes based on the steps you need to take to improve your health. You can start as small as you need to and slowly work your way up.

Most of these apps also give you the power to become fit in the comfort of your own home. You don’t have to worry about feeling any embarrassment by joining a gym.

Improve Your Health Today

Healthcare apps are a great way to measure your fitness and health, stay motivated on your journey to better health, enjoy yourself while becoming healthy, and give you the power of information to make the best choices possible for your health. Try a few healthcare apps yourself and start making your health a priority.

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Avoiding Having Your Private Information Stolen Online Sat, 28 Mar 2020 12:51:04 +0000 As the amount of time that we spend online continues to increase, so does the proliferation of online hacking attackers as cyber criminals continue to try and get hold of our hard-earned...

The post Avoiding Having Your Private Information Stolen Online appeared first on Health2Wellness.

As the amount of time that we spend online continues to increase, so does the proliferation of online hacking attackers as cyber criminals continue to try and get hold of our hard-earned cash. 

Due to this, it is wise to consider everything that we do online and what we are doing to try and protect ourselves and our identity. By applying the correct steps, it will remain safe to go on with the same level of Internet usage and not risk being a victim of hackers. 

Firstly, set up strong and unique passwords for your online accounts. This is the most basic step to put in place. Never use the same password across a number of different accounts. Make each password as complex as possible. If you find it difficult to do this, then you should find a reliable online password manager. 

Never share your passwords with colleagues. If you need to do this, then it is used to change the password later as you have no idea who else can access your accounts.

Next, you should set up a passcode on your mobile devices. This means that if you were to lose your phone or have it stolen, then no one would be able to access the information contained on it. Establishing a passcode means that all of the information, in all of your mobile applications, is safe from prying eyes. 

Be careful in relation to the information that you allow to be made available on social media. If you allow too much information out there, then it may allow cyber criminals to gather enough information to use your identity to conduct a phishing campaign or even guess the password for some of your accounts. 

Make sure that the security settings for each social network that you use are as strong and restrictive as possible, so only people you know can see your information. It is also important to deactivate the account on any social networks that you are no longer using. 

Try to avoid the use of free Wi-Fi in public places. Access is easy for everyone, which, in turn, means that hackers would have little trouble accessing the data that is shared across the relevant network. If you are in a situation where you feel you have little option but to use public Wi-Fi then make sure that you use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to protect your data 

Similar to unused social media accounts, you should conduct a review of all of your online accounts for services like entertainment, shopping, forums, or anything else. Any account that you no longer use should be deleted. If it is not, then the information may become available to cyber criminals. 

Old email accounts may contain financial information or healthcare details that would allow you to be identified and the data to be used to obtain access to your other active account or even to send an email to your contacts to try and steal information from them.

It is impossible to prevent all attacks conducted by cyber criminals completely, but by following these steps, you are putting yourself in a strong position to prevent them from impacting you.

The post Avoiding Having Your Private Information Stolen Online appeared first on Health2Wellness.

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